Skaergaard literature: Taylor HP Jr

Authors Year Title Publisher
Taylor HP & Epstein S 1960 O18/O16 ratios in rocks and coexisting minerals of the Skaergaard intrusion of East Greenland Geological Society of America Bulletin 71, p. 1989 only
Taylor HP Jr & Epstein S 1963 O18/O16 ratios in rocks and coexisting minerals of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Journal of Petrology 4, p. 51-74
Taylor HP Jr & Forester RW 1973 An oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of the Skaergaard intrusion and its country rocks EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 54, p. 500 only
Norton D & Taylor HP 1978 Quantitative simulation of the thermal history of igneous intrusives on the basis of oxygen isotope data and transport theory: An analysis of the hydrothermal system associated with the Skaergaard intrusion Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 10, p. 464 only
Taylor HP & Forester RW 1978 Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for the origin, development, and circulation pattern of the metoric-hydrothermal convective system associated with the 50-M.Y. old Skaergaard basaltic magma chamber, East Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 10, p. 503 only
Norton D & Taylor HP Jr 1979 Quantitative simulation of the hydrothermal systems of crystallizing magmas on the basis of transport theory and oxygen isotope data; an analysis of the Skaergaard intrusion Journal of Petrology 20, p. 421-486
Taylor HP Jr 1979 Stable isotope studies of spreading centers and their bearing on the origin of granophyres and plagiogranites Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S. 272, Association Mafiques et Ultramafiques dans les Orogénes p. 149-165
Taylor HP & Forester RW 1979 An oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of the Skaergaard intrusion and its country rocks: a description of a 55-M.Y. old fossil hydrothermal system Journal of Petrology 20, p. 355-419
Norton D, Taylor HP Jr & Bird DK 1983 The geometry and high-temperature brittle deformation of the Skaergaard intrusion EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 64, p. 903 only
Taylor HP Jr 1983 Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of hydrothermal interactions at submarine and subaerial spreading centres Rona, P. A., Boström, K., Laubier, L. & Smith, K.L. Jr.: Hydrothermal Processes at Seafloor Spreading Centres. NATO Conference Series IV, Marine Sciences 12, Plenum, New York, p. 83-13
Norton D, Taylor HP & Bird DK 1984 The geometry and high temperature brittle deformation of the Skaergaard intrusion Journal of Geophysical Research 89, p. 10178-10192
Taylor HP Jr 1987 Comparison of hydrothermal systems in layered gabbros and granites, and the origin of low-18O magmas Mysen, B.O. (ed.): Magmatic Processes. Physicochemical Principles. The Geochemical Society. Spec. Publ. 1, p. 337-357

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