Skaergaard literature: Bird DK

Authors Year Title Publisher
Bird DK & Rogers RD 1983 Fracture controlled hydrothermal alterations of the Skaergaard intrusion, Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 15, p. 526 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1983 Hydrothermal clinopyroxenes of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 64, p. 904 only
Norton D, Taylor HP Jr & Bird DK 1983 The geometry and high-temperature brittle deformation of the Skaergaard intrusion EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 64, p. 903 only
Rogers RD & Bird DK 1983 Deformation associated with emplacement of tholeiitic dikes of the Kangerdlugssuaq region of East Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 15, p. 673 only
Bird DK & Manning CE 1984 Mineralogical record of hydrothermal fluid flow in the Layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 16, p. 445 only
Norton D, Taylor HP & Bird DK 1984 The geometry and high temperature brittle deformation of the Skaergaard intrusion Journal of Geophysical Research 89, p. 10178-10192
Rogers RD & Bird DK 1984 Fracture distributions near dike margins in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 65, p. 283 only
Bird DK, Rogers RD & Manning CE 1986 Mineralized fracture systems of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Meddelelser om Grønland, Geoscience 16, p. 1-65
Bird DK, Rose NM & Manning CE 1986 Hydrothermal alteration in layered gabbros of the East Greenland Tertiary Province International Mineralogical Association 14th General Meeting, Abstracts with Programs p. 57 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1986 Hydrothermal clinopyroxenes of the Skaergaard intrusion Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 92, p. 437-447
Bird DK, Manning CE & Rose NM 1987 Metamorphic and structural evolution of hydrothermal systems associated with Tertiary gabbros, East Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 19, p. 589 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1987 Contact metamorphism of basalts marginal to the Skaergaard intrusion EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 68, p. 467 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1987 Wollastonite + fluorite in metabasalt host rocks of the Skaergaard intrusion: implications for metamorphic fluid composition Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 19, p. 759 only
Rogers RD & Bird DK 1987 Fracture propagation associated with dike emplacement at the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Journal of Structural Geology 9, p. 71-86
Bird DK, Manning CE & Rose NM 1988 Mineralogical and isotopic constraints on the regional hydrology of the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermal system, East Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 20, p. 344-345
Bird DK, Manning CE & Rose NM 1988 Hydrothermal alteration of Tertiary layered gabbros, East Greenland American Journal of Science 288, p. 405-457
Manning CE & Bird DK 1988 Evolution of porosity and fluid flow during contact metamorphism of the Skaergaard host basalts, E. Greenland Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 20, p. 344 only
Rose NM & Bird DK 1988 Metasomatic alteration of Tertiary dolerite dikes during continental rifting in East Greenland EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 69, p. 468 only
Rose NM, Liou JG & Bird DK 1988 Experimental investigation of reactions between albite, prehnite, quartz and an aqueous solution at 300 °C, 300 bars: implications for Ca metasomatism in mafic intrusions Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 20, p. 41-42
Bird DK 1989 Subsolidus alteration and deformation of layered gabbros: East Greenland Tertiary Igneous Province JOI/USSAC Workshop Report, Woods Hole, Massachusetts WHOI 1-89-39, p. 82 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1989 Porosity evolution: a guide to the hydrology of contact aureoles Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 21, p. 83 only
Rosing MT, Lesher CE & Bird DK 1989 Chemical modification of East Greenland Tertiary magmas by two-liquid interdiffusion Geology 17, p. 626-629
Manning CE & Bird DK 1990 Heat transfer and fluid flow in magma-hydrothermal systems: evidence from contact metamorphosed basaltic country rocks of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Am. geophys. Un. Chapman Conference on Crustal Fluid Transport, Magnitude and Mechanism, Snowbird, Utah
Manning CE & Bird DK 1990 Fluorian garnets from the host rocks of the Skaergaard intrusion - implications for metamorphic fluid composition American Mineralogist 75, p. 859-873
Bird DK, Brooks CK, Gannicott RA & Turner PA 1991 A Gold-Bearing Horizon in the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland Economic Geology 86, p. 1083-1092
Brandriss ME, Bird DK & O'Neil JR 1991 Addition of meteoric water to gabbroic magma by dehydration of metabasalt xenoliths EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 72, p. 305 only
Manning CE & Bird DK 1991 Porosity evolution and fluid-flow in the basalts of the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermal system, East Greenland American Journal of Science 291, p. 201-257
Manning CE, Ingebritsen SE & Bird DK 1991 Numerical simulation of contact metamorphism in the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermal system Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 23, p. A50 only
Larsen RB, Brooks CK & Bird DK 1992 Methane-bearing, aqueous, saline solutions in the Skaergaard intrusion, East-Greenland Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 112, p. 428-437
Lesher CE, Rosing MT & Bird DK 1992 Metasomatic transformation of host lavas of the Miki Fjord Macrodike, East Greenland EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 73 (Fall Meeting Supplement), p. 640 only
Manning CE, Ingebritsen SE & Bird DK 1993 Missing mineral zones in contact metamorphosed basalts American Journal of Science 293, p. 894-938
Nevle RJ, Brandriss ME, Bird DK, O'Neil JR & McWilliams MO 1994 Tertiary plutons monitor climate change in East Greenland Geology 22, p. 775-778
Arnason JG & Bird DK 1995 Palladium minerals from the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 76, p. F641 only

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