Authors |
Year |
Title |
Publisher |
Andersen JCØ |
1992 |
Indeslutninger i Skærgaard intrusionens Layered Series, Østgrønland
(Inclusions in the Layered Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland) |
Unpublished Cand. Scient. dissertation. University of Aarhus |
Andersen JCØ, Irvine TN, Brooks CK & Wilson JR |
1993 |
Included blocks in the Layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion,
East Greenland |
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 74, Supplement,
p. 622 only |
Andersen JCØ & Rasmussen H |
1995 |
Investigations of drill-core material from the Au and PGE-mineralization
of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland |
Open file series Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse 95/10,
p. 8-11 |
Andersen JCØ |
1996 |
The Skaergaard intrusion and the Platinova gold and palladium deposit,
Kangerlussuaq area, East Greenland |
Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Copenhagen University |
Nielsen TFD & Andersen JCØ |
1996 |
3-D model for the Skaergaard Intrusion, its internal structure, volume
relationships and Au-Pd mineralisation |
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 77, no 46 supplement,
p. F823 |
Nielsen TFD, Andersen JCØ & Rasmussen H |
1997 |
Structure of the Skaergaard Intrusion and its mineralization |
Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, p. 530 |
Andersen JCØ, Rasmussen H & Nielsen TFD |
1997 |
Gold and palladium in the Skaergaard intrusion |
Principal genetic problems related to mineral deposits of magmatic
affilation. Abstracts of the international symposium devoted to the centennary
of the late academician Anatolii G. Betekhtin, Moscow, 8-10 April 1997,
Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 237-238 |
Irvine TN, Andersen JCØ & Brooks CK |
1998 |
Included blocks (and blocks within blocks) in the Skaergaard intrusion:
Geologic relations and the origins of rhythmic modally graded layers |
Geological Society of America Bulletin 110, p. 1398-1447 (including
front page) |
Andersen JCØ, Rasmussen H, Nielsen TFD & Rønsbo JG |
1998 |
The triple group and the Platinova gold and palladium reefs in the
Skaergaard intrusion: Stratigraphic and petrographic relations |
Economic Geology 93, p. 488-509 |
Andersen JCØ, Rasmussen H & Nielsen TFD |
1998 |
The Platinova gold and palladium reefs in the Skaergaard intrusion,
East Greenland |
8th International Platinum Symposium Abstracts. Geological Society
of South Africa and the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
Symposium Series S18, p. 9-11 |
Miller JD Jr & Andersen JCØ |
2002 |
Attributes of Skaergaard type PGE-reefs |
9th International Platinum Symposium Abstracts |
Andersen JCØ, Power MR & Momme P |
2002 |
Platinum-group elements in the Palaeogene North-Atlantic igneous province |
Cabri L J (ed.). The Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral
Beneficiation of Platinum-Group Elements. Canadian Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy, Special Volume 54, p. 637-667 |
Andersen JCØ |
2002 |
IGCP project 427 field meeting and excursion on the Skaergaard intrusion.
Skaergaard area, Kangerlussuaq, East Greenland, Denmark, September 1-13
2001 |
Episodes 25, p. 38-40 |