Skaergaard literature: 1968

Authors Year Title Publisher
Boyd FR & Brown G 1968 Electron-probe study of exsolution in pyroxenes Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 66, p. 353-359
Brooks CK 1968 On the interpretation of trends in element ratios in differentiated igneous rocks, with particular reference to strontium and calcium Chemical Geology 3, p. 15-20
Brown GM 1968 Experimental studies on inversion relations in natural pigeonitic pyroxenes Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 66, p. 347-353
Chayes F 1968 A least squares approximation for estimating the amounts of petrographic partition products Miner. Petrogr. Acta A, p. 111-114
Fleischer M 1968 Variations in the ratio Ni/Co in igneous rock series J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 58, p. 108-117
Haskin LA & Haskin MA 1968 Rare-earth elements in the Skaergaard intrusion Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 32, p. 433-447
Henderson P 1968 The distribution of phosphorus in the early and middle stages of fractionation of some basic layered intrusions Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 32, p. 897-911
Lindsley DH, Brown GM & Muir ID 1968 HedenbergiteSS-WollastoniteSS inversion in a Skaergaard pyroxene Carnegie Institution Washington Yearbook 66, p. 359-363
Wager LR 1968 Rhythmic and cryptic layering in mafic and ultramafic plutons In: Hess H H and Poldervaart A (eds.). Basalts: The Poldervaart Treatise on Rocks of Basaltic Composition, Vol. 2. Interscience. New York & London. p. 573-622
Wager LR & Brown GM 1968 Layered Igneous Rocks Oliver & Boyd. Edinburgh and London. p. 588

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