Skaergaard literature: 1964

Authors Year Title Publisher
Brothers RN 1964 Petrofabric analyses of Rhum and Skaergaard layered rocks Journal of Petrology 5, p. 255-274
Buddington AF & Lindsley DH 1964 Iron-titanium oxide minerals and their synthetic equivalents Journal of Petrology 5, p. 310-357
Douglas JAV 1964 Geological investigations in East Greenland, Part VII. The Basistoppen Sheet. A differentiated basic intrusion into the upper part of the Skaergaard complex, East Greenland Meddelelser om Grønland 164, 5, p. 1-66
Tilley CE, Yoder HS, Jr. & Schairer JF 1964 New relations on melting of basalts Carnegie Institution Washington Yearbook 63, p. 92-97
Vincent EA, Douglas JAV & Bown MG 1964 Note on the revised composition of two olivines from the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland American Mineralogist 49, p. 805-806

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