Skaergaard literature: 1961

Authors Year Title Publisher
Adams DB 1961 The distribution of silver and thallium in rocks and minerals of the Skaergaard gabbroic intrusion as determined by neutron activation analysis Unpublished B.A. dissertation. University of Oxford
Douglas JAV 1961 A further petrological and chemical investigation of the Upper Part of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland Unpublished D.Phil. dissertation. University of Oxford
Gay P 1961 Some recent work on the plagioclase feldspars Curs. Conf. Inst. Lucas Mallada, C.S.I.C. (España) 8, p. 159-164
Girdler RW 1961 Some preliminary measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of rocks Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. 5, p. 197-206
Stevens RH 1961 Aspects of the geochemistry of antimony Unpublished B.A. (Chemistry Pt.11) dissertation. University of Oxford
Wager LR 1961 A note on the origin of ophitic texture in the chilled olivine gabbro of the Skaergaard intrusion Geological Magazine 98, p. 353-356
Woode RDA 1961 The determination of traces of zinc in igneous rocks and minerals Unpublished B.Sc. dissertation. University of Oxford
Wright JB 1961 Solid-solution relationships in some titaniferous iron oxide ores of basic igneous rocks Mineralogical Magazine 32, p. 778-789

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