Skaergaard literature: 1957

Authors Year Title Publisher
Brown GM 1957 Pyroxenes from the early and middle stages of fractionation of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Mineralogical Magazine, 31, p. 511-543
Crocket JH 1957 The distribution of gold in igneous rock series Unpublished D.Phil. dissertation, University of Oxford
Hamilton EI 1957 Studies in the distribution of uranium in the Skaergaard intrusion and other rock series Unpublished D.Phil. dissertation, University of Oxford
Hamilton EI 1957 Studies in the distribution of uranium in the Skaergaard intrusion and other igneous and metamorphic rock series Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, 14, p. 188 only
Vincent EA, Wright JB, Chevallier R & Mathieu S 1957 Heating experiments on some natural titaniferous magnetites Mineralogical Magazine, 31, 624-655
Wager LR & Brown GM 1957 Funnel-shaped layered intrusions Geological Society of America Bulletin, 68, p. 1071-1074
Wager LR, Vincent EA & Smales AA 1957 Sulphides in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland Economic Geology, 52, p. 855-903
Wilson HDB 1957 Terminology of layered intrusions Geological Society of America Bulletin, 68, p. 1075
Wright JB 1957 Solid solution relationships in some natural titaniferous magnetites Unpublished M.Sc. dissertation. University of Oxford
Yoder HS Jr & Sahama TG 1957 Olivine x-ray determinative curve American Mineralogist, 42, p. 475-491

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